Gyan Kunj Public School has rich network of course and play fields. Sports activities are imparted to the students in order to inculcate a feeling of sportsman spirit, team spirit, self discipline and a spirit of general well-being.
Every year on 14th November, the school celebrates its sports day and students participate as per his/her choice. Students take part in zonal sports activities and win medal and prizes. Every year they bring laurel to school with their efforts.

GKPS has composite science lab. Be it the microscopic analysis of unicellular or multicellular organisms, the study of the electro-magnetic spectrum or the observations of the chemical reactions, our science laboratory with a capacity for fifty students to work concurrently, provide the space, the equipment and the safety standards that allow high quality practical work in science learning to happen very effectively and unhindered.

A Computer Lab is important in every school to enhance the scientific and technological research and invention capacity of the students. GKPS provide a well equipped Computer Lab to students for their learning, programming and automation to improve their basic computer skill which is helpful to them in achieving their career goals, entrepreneurship and opportunity job.
The computers are updated with latest Windows and Softwares as required for teaching learning, documentation and presentation. Wireless Wi-Fi access points are available to provides wireless coverage to all the classrooms. The wireless broadband is available in the school has a bandwidth of 100 Mbps.

GKPS Library is a learning area where the students and teachers have access to a wide range of resources in different formats in order to meet their teaching and learning needs. The collection includes books, newspapers, magazines, reference materials,CDs and DVDs. Students are encouraged to cultivate good reading habits and to use the library as an important center for learning. The school has excellent library facilities with wide volumes of books, comprising references, prescribed texts and popular fiction. The school subscribe to English and Hindi newspapers, magazines and periodicals. The collection and services of the Library are aimed at developing students’ reading and research skills thereby helping them use these skills in their subjects. Resources and services are constantly updated to ensure current and relevant material. Reading is important and needs to be developed in the early years of schooling. Keeping this in mind the school has various festivals, displays and activities organized from time to time.

GKPS has an art room that buzzes with creativity. The art and craft not only teach art but more that that. It infuses creativity in young minds.
It is amazing to see the students while giving shapes and figures to their ideas and imagination. Little creative hands add colour along with their smiles. This room presents opportunities to students for developing varied artistic interest including Wood work, Clay modelling, Painting, Drawing and Craft Work.

Music plays a vital role in fostering personality trails and helps the students to enrich their intelligence. To foster emotional and practical maturity, personal and intellectual development in students, Our school emphasizes on imparting music and dance in classical, folk and western.GKPS never falls short in finding and promoting individual talent of expressing his/her thoughts through music and dance.

Trips & Excursion are an integral part of our curriculum. The school organises such types of trips to imbibe the leadership quality, confidence and personality development through outdoor and education camps. In educational tours the students interact with other people and get a chance to gain new perspectives. We at GKPS encourage our students to explore the new things not only inside the boundaries of the school but also beyond them. The memories related to trips & excursions are called episodic memories and these helps the children to retain information for longer period.